Sunnyvale City Pensions
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This page contains the yearly California Public Employee Retirement System (CalPERS) payouts to
City of Sunnyvale employees by year from 2003 through 2011.
Each year, cities and other public entities pay CalPERS preminums to cover
retiement benfits that they offer their employees. Employees receive a set fixed
benefits based on a percentage of their last few years salary and the number of
years they work for the City. For City employees, these retirement plans are
so-called "defined benefits" plans since they payout a specified amount each
year for the life of the employee. Unlike 401K-type plans (defined contribution
plans), the amount paid each year is fixed and guaranteed by the State of
California. The employee never has to worry about not receiving the specified
retirement payment of having it cut due to poor returns in the stock market.
Here you will find lists of exactly what the state pays each former City of Sunnyvale employees in retirement benefits for the years 2001 through 2011.
Click on the above links to see employee pensions for the given year ordered by total payout in descending order.
By clicking on the column heading, the data can be reordered in either ascending or descending order by name, last position and year with the City (if known),
and retirement benefits paid for the year.
There is also an Advanced Pension Search Page
where one can request more detailed pension statistics.
As a whole, the data for all years is graphed below showing the total number of employees receiving benefits and the total
payout in retirement benfits. While the number of employees receiving benefits is increasing
linearly by approximately 50 employees
per year, the total payout is growing at an alarming 13% per year compounded rate (Yikes!). As the graph demonstrates, a 13%
growth rate in benefits results a doubling of benefits approximately every 5 1/2 years. Is this sustainable? Absolutely not.
Only time will tell but without some changes tax payers will be on the hook for some mighty hefty payments in the future.

(Download all years data in an Excel file here)